
About Lilly Calandrello

Giving voice to the ineffable™ - Spiritual Intuitive Empath - Clairvoyant Psychic - Angel Communicator - Reiki Healer - Lenormand Cartomancer

Ho’oponopono Healing

2024-02-24T12:11:28+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Ho'oponopono Healing Ready to activate a deeper healing in your life for yourself and those you love? Ho'oponopono healing helps people to deal with traumatic past events, destructive thought patterns, family dynamics, daily annoyances, or any other disagreeable event in your life, from traffic jams to relationship break-ups. Ho'oponopono healing is a simple

Psychic Reading Rates

2025-03-21T19:49:47+00:00Psychic Readings|

Affordable Psychic Reading Rates Psychic Reading Rates For Psychic Readings & Spiritual Consultations with Lilly How much does a psychic reading cost? Lilly has some of the lowest flat fee psychic readings rates in the industry. Below you will find the psychic reading costs for consultations with Psychic Lilly to order a pre-scheduled phone

Shamanic Unbinding Ritual

2024-02-23T12:23:35+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Shamanic Unbinding Ritual of Release - Binding Removal The ritual of Shamanic Unbinding control (Binding removal) deconstructs negatively bound etheric cords, unresolved past life connections, and current energies holding you down or back and preventing you from knowing love, emotional and mental growth, and successfully progressing forward in life in a positive

Soul Realignment Reading

2024-02-24T12:09:20+00:00Psychic Readings, Spiritual Guidance|

Soul Realignment Reading A Soul realignment reading shines a light on the 'story' of your Soul by accessing your personal Akashic Record. Soul realignment readings will help you re-establish your soul’s integrity, discover negative karmic imprints retained and blocked at the soul level, and unlock your soul’s potential and innate wisdom. It creates

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