
About Lilly Calandrello

Giving voice to the ineffable™ - Spiritual Intuitive Empath - Clairvoyant Psychic - Angel Communicator - Reiki Healer - Lenormand Cartomancer

Only the journey is written, not the destination


Only the journey is written, not the destination. The future is not set in stone; it constantly changes with the choices we make. We create our future with our thoughts, deeds, and actions. Each one of us is weaving a pattern... a mosaic that represents our life. We can change our future by changing

The “Panda-Portal” Pandemic Opening a Portal to a New Reality


Creating structure and rhythm during the panda-portal (coronavirus pandemic) The “Panda-Portal” (Pandemic opening a portal to a new reality - you see?) can be seen as an opportunity. The silver lining of chaos and challenge is that it creates clarity. Whatever is nonessential is falling away, as swiftly as leaves at the

What My Guides & Ancestors Told Me About The Coronavirus


An Empowering Message to Humanity About The Caronavirus No matter how complex a question I may have, when I take it to my guides, ancestors, and Angels I always receive an answer. So when the Coronavirus pandemic kicked into high gear, I brought the subject to my trusted mentors to be illuminated.

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