
About Lilly Calandrello

Giving voice to the ineffable™ - Spiritual Intuitive Empath - Clairvoyant Psychic - Angel Communicator - Reiki Healer - Lenormand Cartomancer

Shamanic Soul Remembering

2024-02-23T12:20:26+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Shamanic Soul Remembering - Shamanic Energy Healing For Wounded Souls Shamanic Soul Remembering is one method that speeds up the healing of any illness or disorder. By accessing your light energy and "lighting you up" the natural order of things around you is also restored. Using this high vibration and divine energy, profound

Karmic Relationship Reading

2024-02-24T12:09:51+00:00Love & Relationships, Psychic Readings|

Karmic Relationship Reading A karmic relationship reading will let you know, definitively, whether or not you are engaged in one. What is a karmic relationship? Karmic relationships are love and life lessons that you *must* experience, in order for you to learn something important about yourself --so that you can advance to a

Shamanic Courage and Strength Empowerment Attunement

2024-02-24T12:18:16+00:00Psychic Readings|

Shamanic Courage and Strength Empowerment Attunement Awaken the courage within! Heal your inner self, release and let go of self limiting beliefs and awaken your innate courage. This Shamanic Courage and Strength Empowerment Attunement will raise your life force (Chi) energy vibration in harmony with courage, strength, and self confidence and works to

Light Of Forgiveness Reiki Attunement

2024-02-23T12:36:42+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Light Of Forgiveness Reiki Attunement Need help forgiving others or help letting go of resentment? This reiki attunement provides a powerful blast of healing "forgiveness" energy. It is designed to clear out old resentments, anger, hurt, and pain. It will help you let go of annoyances and things that bother you about other people.

Automatic Writing

2024-02-23T12:08:43+00:00Angels & Mediumship|

Automatic Writing Psychic & Psychography Automatic writing, Spirit writing, psychography, or channeled writing is an innate psychic ability allowing me to produce written words without consciously writing. Automatic writing is a wonderful, non-intimidating way of channeling your Higher Self, Angels or Spirit Guides through writing. It allows you to ‘download’ their perspective subconsciously using

Reiki For Indigo Kids

2024-02-23T12:25:30+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Reiki For Indigo Kids Reiki for indigo kids is intended to help them overcome difficulties by eliminating energy disturbances and discharging toxic energy that they may have absorbed. I provide distance Reiki healing for Indigo kids (Indigo children) including reiki healing for Indigo kids, crystal children, star children, and rainbow children as well

Shamanic Power Animal Retrieval

2024-02-23T12:23:56+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Shamanic Power Animal Retrieval (Shamanic power animal totems) What is your power animal or Shamanic power animal totem? Shamanic Power Animal Retrieval will let you know! Shamans believe that each of us has a spirit guardian whose job it is to protect and empower us. These guardians may take the form of an

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