
About Lilly Calandrello

Giving voice to the ineffable™ - Spiritual Intuitive Empath - Clairvoyant Psychic - Angel Communicator - Reiki Healer - Lenormand Cartomancer

Quantum Energy Healing

2024-02-23T12:23:08+00:00Health & Wellbeing|

Remote Quantum Energy Healing I practice a unique, quantum energy healing protocol that assembles favorable, physical forms as well as disassembles unfavorable, physical forms inside the human or animal body. I can work on you, your children, pets, loved ones, and friends. Quantum energy is a fundamental “Universal Life Force” in nature also

Life Purpose Psychic Reading

2024-02-23T12:21:43+00:00Destiny & Life Path|

Life Purpose Psychic Reading My life purpose psychic readings work with Doreen Virtue Life Purpose Reading Oracle Cards and Archangel Michael who oversees everyone's life purposes. A life purpose psychic reading will help you identify your specific life purpose. When you understand your life purpose, you can begin to cooperate with them, saving

Spiritual Guidance

2024-02-23T12:12:39+00:00Spiritual Guidance|

Spiritual guidance helps you see your Soul Spiritual Guidance (Spiritual Counseling or intuitive life coaching) as well as, Akashic records reading, Soul realignment readings, and professional palm reading helps you learn about your own spirituality and spiritual gifts as well as communicate with your soul. Understanding and learning about ourselves is spiritual enlightenment.

Angels & Mediumship

2024-02-23T12:09:10+00:00Angels & Mediumship|

Angels and Mediumship Psychic mediums communicate with the spirit world. Angels and Mediumship have much to do with the functions of our every day lives. From psychic medium readings to angel communication, talking with departed pets in Spirit, and automatic writing (channeled writing or spirit writing), I have 35 years of professional experience

Career & Money Psychic Readings

2024-02-23T12:12:16+00:00Career & Money, Psychic Readings|

Money Psychic Readings Money psychic readings focus on your current money situation, prosperity, and personal abundance including but not limited to; job opportunities, work environment issues, career path and direction, business dealings, stock market investing and real estate finances. These are challenging times for work, career, money, business, and all other financial situations.

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