DNA Healing, Repair & DNA Activation
My DNA healing and DNA activation techniques (I utilize DNA repair and DNA healing frequencies of 432 hz tuning with Tesla’s 3-6-9 Code Music and 528 Hz Solfeggio frequencies in unison with Mudra Light Language healing for the most effective DNA activation and DNA theta healing available) will remotely repair and heal your DNA by positively re-charging and uplifting the frequency of your own personal vibration.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
We all have an energy field around our body called the Aura or the luminous energy field. Our human energy field also effects the function of our DNA, and the interaction between our DNA and our unified energy field. DNA healing brings your chakras into alignment for a healthier mind, body, and Soul.
When our auras are pure and unpolluted, our Life Force Energy (Chi energy fields) and chakras resonate clearly with the Universe. There is an unobstructed line of communication between our consciousness and the universal consciousness, thus, between our DNA and our energy field.
When we align or life force energy with our own conscious awareness and intention, and the Universe, we embody this energy, clearing all the negativity within us, manifesting health in mind, body, and spirit.
When you fail to cleanse and repair your energy field regularly, it becomes stagnant, depleted, torn, imbalanced, and congested with low energy vibrations. This can contribute to dis-ease in mind and spirit, and eventually the body.
DNA Upgrades (Dna Activation Light Codes)
dna healing frequency, DNA Theta healing, quantum dna repair
Genes are coded to respond to the environment. As a never ending process of environmental adaptation, it means that we potentially can have a conscious evolution regarding our environment, rather than a spontaneous evolution.
Our DNA determines the nature of our environment by ‘reading’ the ‘energy’, by receiving energetic signals from the environment, and interacting directly with the unified field. DNA then codes, or activates, the appropriate gene expression for the environment we are in. What then, happens to our DNA when the aura is polluted by negative energy?
If our DNA and genes are coded by the energy of our environment, perhaps it isn’t what is out there which has the greatest impact, but our perception of what is in the environment. Could what we believe, think and feel about our environment, have a stronger determination on our genetics, than the physical reality of that environment? If we think our world is ‘negative’, it is negative to us.
But the opposite could also be true, if we live in a consciousness of happiness, love and peace, and we perceive our environment to be happy, loving and peaceful. If the aura directly codes our DNA, and is responsible for genetic encoding, then our health, and any dis-ease which might appear in the body, and our ability to heal, is directly affected. All aspects of our lives are determined by the quality of our consciousness.
This suggests that DNA is resonant with the structure of the unified field, and its structure is coherent, causing the unified field to interact with it, when it is charged with energy. This suggests that the DNA molecule is something like a biological computer chip, a sort of interface between the unified field, and our biology. This means a possible function of DNA is to store light, and that the structure of DNA can leave an energetic imprint on the fabric of space/time.
With unobstructed communication, we evolve into mental, spiritual, and physical health.
DNA Activation & Relationships
We all wear a number of masks in the various relationships we’re involved in throughout our lives. Love relationships, intimate relationships, friendships, family, and work colleagues. And there’s good reason these relationships are varied, not everyone needs to know the same level of detail about you that others should be privy to.
This DNA healing and activation can help you remove yourself from egoic behavior, allowing you to, instead, think from your heart space of inclusivity, compassion, acceptance, grace, and love. In turn, this can change your frequency (and Karma!) and activate your DNA to vibrate at a higher level.
DNA Repair & DNA Healing Frequencies (Sound Healing)
This is a cellular healing that focuses in on your cellular structure and it’s DNA providing healing energy to the body, mind, and Soul. During this DNA healing session and dna repair meditation, I incorporate a Singing bowl (tuned to the heart Chakra for self love), and a number of positive and powerful affirmations. I also incorporate Light Language activation for cellular and DNA repair.