Kundalini Activation – Awaken Kundalini Energy
Kundalini activation is direct energy transmission that helps in the activation of the Kundalini awakening process. It is an energy healing (awakening the Kundalini energy) focused on cleansing, balancing, and upgrading your root, sacral, third eye and solar plexus chakras while activating and aligning Kundalini. I will activate kundalini energy using singing bowls and mudras in channeled geometric shapes to open vortexes and clear energies within, while re-calibrating your chakras.
Kundalini is the spiritual energy within you. It is your divine life force, inner fire, and the source of all your spiritual gifts. Kundalini awakening is a process which is also known as the second birth. The Kundalini Activation process is an energy transmission ritual that heals and awakens your life force to help you achieve higher awareness and mental clarity. A deeply profound energy activation to connect you with your true nature and inner SELF.
Awaken Kundalini energy to amplify the signal of the human channel, the molecular structure (DNA/the body), and the energy of the organs, clearing the signal of sending and receiving Spiritual codes within the mind space, while clearing the psyche of old programming. Cellular regeneration is amplified which is a tool of LONGEVITY.
What is Kundalini Activation?
Kundalini awakening is a shift of consciousness, often accompanied by energy experiences and is the process of activating the dormant primal life force energy that rests at the base of the spine. Before you can activate kundalini energy, you have to start by clearing out and activating each of your chakras individually. If you have a blocked chakra, the flow of energy from your root chakra to your crown chakra will stop.
A good analogy is a garden hose. When the water is on and the hose is unblocked, water flows easily. However, if you have a kink in the hose, you will likely not be able to get any water out. While you work on opening your chakras, one at a time, you may find that the energy you’re producing seems unstable. That’s because it was meant to flow through all seven chakras at the same time. Essentially, you have the same amount of energy designed for an entire channel crammed into a much smaller space.
Known as your root chakra or Muladhara, your first chakra is located at the base of your spine. The root chakra is your center of basic trust. Kundalini energy is said to stay coiled around your root chakra until it is activated before moving up your chakra chain.
How to awaken kundalini energy
Kundalini activation can “boost” each chakra, helping them to reach their highest level of openness. Once each chakra is vibrating at its highest possible frequency, you have the ability to enter into a state of spiritual awakening and transformation. Although very few people can reach full enlightenment, learning how to awaken kundalini energy leads to a more balanced union between your consciousness and higher-level consciousness.
Kundalini energy is also associated with the female divine, so it is sometimes referred to as the “sleeping goddess.” However, that doesn’t mean that you have to have been assigned female at birth to experience a spiritual awakening. Each of us, no matter our gender, possesses both masculine and feminine energy. Awakening kundalini energy is just the process of connecting more deeply with your own feminine energy, whatever that means to you.
Remote Kundalini Activation – 3.5 Hour Distant Kundalini Healing Session
Kundalini Meditation for healing: Kundalini activation is performed within 1-3 days including weekends
Kundalini healing is the beginning of a fantastic journey into your own Spiritual existence. It will open a door to a new dimension of your awareness and intuition. If sustained through regular kundalini mediation, you will be able to feel your own subtle centers (chakras) as well a the chakras of others.
Kundalini is the ultimate life force. Creative power, divine feminine energy. As the energy flows through our spine, it goes through all of our chakras, giving each of them a “boost” as the energy activates them (both kundalini and chakras live in the subtle body), all the way to our head, the crown chakra. The result is an expanded state of consciousness.
As the kundalini energy travels upwards activating each chakra, it expands your metaphysical and spiritual experiences, transforming you along the way. The more the kundalini energy rises and your chakras are fully activated, the closer you merge with the universe and cosmic consciousness.
Due to the potential of spiritual enlightenment and higher conscious awareness, this also means that kundalini awakening becomes both the path and the purpose. The effects of awakening this energy include a higher sense of life, creativity, and support to reach our full potential.
NOTE: Remote Kundalini meditations are extremely powerful as energy is not bound by time or space. Distant Kundalini energy can be felt across the Universe at anytime, anywhere. My healing abilities are enhanced in a deep, meditative trance-like state. This why my energy healing sessions are *NOT* done by phone, or chat.