Affordable Psychic Reading Rates
Psychic Reading Rates For Psychic Readings & Spiritual Consultations with Lilly
How much does a psychic reading cost? Lilly has some of the lowest flat fee psychic readings rates in the industry. Below you will find the psychic reading costs for consultations with Psychic Lilly to order a pre-scheduled phone reading, text or email reading (which is a personal, clairvoyant psychic reading or spiritual consultation with Lilly). Will it be worth it? Don’t miss her client psychic reading reviews!
NOTICE: PSYCHIC LILLY IS UNAVAILABLE FOR NEW PSYCHIC READING ORDERS UNTIL JULY 15, 2025. If you *wish to place a pre-order for a JULY booking*, or are an existing client with an emergency ~ please email to check emergency availability BEFORE placing an order.
Psychic Phone Readings
Your session is always 100% private and your payment is instant and 100% secure via PayPal. After successful payment, you will immediately be re-directed to a webpage with important information about how to proceed with scheduling and receiving your reading as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact our Client Care Team with any questions that you may have. All readings are scheduled in 2-3 business days including Holidays.
10 Minute Psychic Phone Reading
15 Minute Psychic Phone Reading
30 Minute Psychic Phone Reading
45 Minute Psychic Phone Reading
1 Hour Psychic Phone Reading
Email Psychic Readings
Receive the personalized psychic and spiritual email advice you deserve. Private psychic email readings are completely confidential and will give you the guidance and answers that you need within 24-72 Hours. General psychic email readings can be expected to be delivered no later than 3-4 business days from your payment date. Including Holidays!
Psychic Email Reading (1 Question - yes/no reply)
Psychic Email Reading (1 Question - detailed reply)
Psychic Email Reading (2 questions - detailed reply)
Psychic Email Reading (3 questions - detailed reply)
Psychic Email Reading (4 questions - detailed reply)
Psychic Text Readings/Psychic Text Chat
Need a fast psychic reading? Find the text psychic reading rates below for a personal psychic text reading and get a reply in 2 hours or less! When you purchase a psychic text reading you may text me immediately at (719) 629-7123. How it works: Buy 1 Question = 1 reply, 2 Questions = 2 replies, and so on.
If you text me between 7am and 5 pm ET you will receive an instant reply (within 5 minutes up to 2 hours–depending upon where I am at the time you text). If you text me between 5 pm and 7am ET you will likely not receive a reply until after 9 am the next morning. But it’s possible!
New! Need extra support for a while? Lilly now offers monthly pre-paid psychic text readings below, available immediately and billed monthly on the 5th of the month (Max 30 text questions per month!)
Psychic Text Reading (1 Question)
Psychic Text Reading (2 Questions)
Psychic Text Reading (3 questions)
Psychic Text Reading (4 questions)
Monthly Pre-Paid Text Readings
Please Note:
All sessions are for adults 18 years old or older. Any information presented in a session is not meant to replace any psychological, legal, medical, or other professional advice or services. The guidance and insight provided through my services is intended to help clients to make better life choices toward their own happiness and fulfillment, and that a client is always free to make their own choices at will, regardless of the interpretation of the information. I shall not be liable regarding any action or non-action taken by the client in reference to the information presented during the session. Services rendered are non-refundable.
Life Happens. I do my best to keep regular hours, but sometimes unexpected circumstances come up that will not allow me to be available. In the event that a reading cannot be delivered in the time-frame specified, a Client Care representative will reply to your email with an acceptable alternative time, or we will refund your payment promptly.