Psychic Services Lilly can help with!

The Best Psychic Reading Services

Safe, Secure, and Private. Psychic Lilly provides professional, clairvoyant, psychic reading services by phone, chat, email or text, in addition to her spiritual guidance which means going beyond “fortune telling” and “entertainment”– to receiving authentic, detailed, accurate information that changes, improves and empowers lives.

Psychic Services - Best Psychic Reading Services

Instant Psychic Readings

Interact live, instantly, with psychic Lilly to get information and answers to your most pressing life, love and relationships, money, career and finances, health and wellness, family, friends, pregnancy and fertility, or karmic relationship issues.  For a limited time, Lilly is offering the internet’s best psychic reading services and instant psychic readings/on-demand psychic consultations using’s most secure and reliable phone and instant messaging psychic  service online. Now accepting instant calls, pre-scheduled appointments (within 30 mins or less) and on demand ‘call-backs’ when available and has been a top psychic on, with over 242k clients, who have taken their valuable time to leave 5 Star written feedback  for the last 25 years.

Her mission, with a focus on mind, body & spirit, is to go beyond the typical “how to” information (the science) and immerse clients in the subtleties and nuances (the art) that facilitate masterful relationships and a truly empowered life.

Love & Relationship Psychic Readings

Psychic Lilly provides relationship psychic readings for singles and couples whether you are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual–love is for everyone! Whether you are single or in a relationship, or moving on and letting go of a relationship, Lilly’s readings will afford you the confidence and the clarity to move forward in any given situation, including karmic relationships.

Love & Relationship Psychic Readings

“ At the end of our lives we will not remember how much money we made, how many ball games we watched, or how many things we possessed. What will come back to us in a brilliant and blinding light will be… the quality of the relationships we formed with those we loved; our family, our partners, our children and our friends. “ ~ Lilly Calandrello

Psychic love and relationship readings with Lilly help people from all walks of life develop strategies to attract, grow, and retain meaningful and long lasting relationships as well as increase their personal and professional effectiveness by guiding them through the process of learning to live more powerful and significant lives.

Reiki & Shamanic Healing Services

What is distance Reiki healing? Energy healing consultations with me, such as Distance Reiki Healing, Shamanic Healing, Violet Flame Healing, Mudra Light Language Healing, Emotional Energy Healing, Reiki for depression and anxiety, Reiki for Hospice Care & End of Life, Marma Points Therapy, Tipping Point Therapy, DNA healing & Activation and Kundalini activation are designed to support you on your journey to release physical pain, clear up old wounds, or heal the past– and embrace the future healthy and balanced. I am honored to help support (including Feng Shui services), and celebrate the process of each persons own outer and inner healing, that innate self-healing energy that guides and governs all from within.

Reiki & Shamanic Healing Services

The speed and effectiveness of distance healing is exactly the same as hands on sessions. Distance healing such as Reiki Healing or Shamanic healing is often preferred by those who wish to enjoy the benefits of a healing session in the comfort of their own home and for those who live further away.

Distant Energy Healing is healing given when the patient is not physically present. Energy Healing can be intended and sent over any distance. Clients experience exactly the same energy output as hands on sessions.

Clients are able to give feedback and reviews after the session in the same way they would in person and most people feel incredibly relaxed afterwards. Results are as profound as hands on healing and distance healing is often used successfully for the same issues that are worked with face to face such as pain reduction and structural healing.

Career & Money Psychic Readings

Career and money psychic readings as well as Reiki healing for career success focus on your current money situation, prosperity, and personal abundance including but not limited to; money management, job opportunities, work environment issues, investments, career path and direction, business dealings, stock market investing and real estate finances.

Career & Money Psychic Readings

When you receive a money psychic reading from Lilly, you will learn the answers to the following questions:

  • How does (or can) money serve as a positive connector, rather than a divider, for you with others?
  • Does your money flow to or away from you?
  • How can you redirect that flow to support and invest in people, personal relationships, and initiatives with positive impact?
  • Can your interaction with money be a spiritual practice, and how?

Financial Psychic Readings

In a world where our financial system can be described as complex, opaque, and anonymous, a financial psychic reading will enlighten you to the year’s financial outlook for you and your family.

Spiritual Guidance Consultations

Lilly’s Spiritual guidance sessions, intuitive life coaching, soul realignment readings, Kundalini activation, as well as grief counseling services offer a unique personal empowerment, spiritual approach to intuitive readings, as well as a vast array of other insight for the spiritual seeker. Access the best spiritual guidance today and turn negative karma into spiritual gold!

Knowing that our Spirit plays an incredibly important role in our life’s experiences, Lilly’s spiritual guidance honors, supports, and celebrates the process of each persons own inner knowing, including the 8 clair senses they naturally posses; that innate intelligence which guides and governs everyone from within.

Ethical Spritual Guidance

You were born happy, creative, and comfortable in your own skin. Those qualities are still inside of you, waiting to be rediscovered. Lilly has thousands of happy clients worldwide that regained their identity, confidence, and self love. And, so can you. Remove the subconscious mental patterns that are blocking your: self love, success, and confidence. Find out what thousands of people, already know.

Ethical spiritual guidance wants the ‘student’ to be free, able to stand on her/his own feet, strong enough to be able to reach out and help others, and wise enough to continue the course upward and forward to God, even without help from the ‘teacher’. The mind’s ability to create miracles continues to astonish.

Destiny & Life Path Psychic Readings

Destiny and life path psychic readings are spiritual guidance consultations which include palm reading online, Akashic records reading, and soul realignment readings, and are designed to support and empower you on your life’s Soul journey in order to help you release old wounds, heal the past, and embrace the future. I am honored to help support, and celebrate the process of each persons own inner knowing, that innate intelligence that guides and governs all from within.

Destiny, Life Path Psychic Readings

Lilly believes that we all have the power within to make the choices to pursue the path in life they wish. Each of us must walk our own path (not that dictated by another) to fulfill our soul’s desire. This part of her guidance is geared on helping you find YOUR lifepath and tools you have brought in with you for this lifetime.

Lilly loves to empower the passions and knowledge of people. All of her work is individually tailored and every client is very important to her. You will be treated with sensitivity and understanding. She am not a fortune teller, but a psychologist, relationship therapist, and true psychic empath and clairvoyant.

If you want to discover what makes you unique and how to form your future around it, order a life path reading now to receive an accurate and insightful destiny & life path psychic reading.

Intuitive Life Coaching

Lilly’s intuitive life coaching techniques are based on psychological evidence and basic intuition, not opinion, judgements, or wishy-washy life advice. She’s a professional educated intuitive life coach in Colorado Springs and Mid Michigan who guides people from where they are in life to where they want to be in life.

Intuitive Life Coaching Colorado Springs, Michigan Life Coach Lilly

Lenormand Card Readings

Lenormand card readings are NOT tarot card readings. Lenormand Readings are cartomancy readings, which also utilizes numerology. Lilly is a professional Lenormand card reader and cartomancer.As an experienced Lenormand practitioner this is the cartomancy deck that Lilly prefers above all others for Lenormand card readings. This is because the deck tells a better story for unmatched clarity for HER, personally, compared to the Tarot.

Lenormand Card Readings

The Gilded Reverie Lenormand remains true to the iconic 36-card oracle card system made famous (‘madame Lenormand cards’) in the 19th century by Mlle Lenormand, the fortune-teller of Napoleon and Josephine Bonaparte. The cards themselves are stunning with gorgeous color saturated images and gilt-edge trimming.

Lilly finds that this particular Lenormand cartomancy card reading system absolutely offers more clarity when using pairs of cards instead of individual drawings. When combined with Tarot meanings, these two systems create a powerful effect – giving clients a clearer overall picture (or the Le’ Grand Tableau spread, French for “The Big Picture” ) of the reading.

Angles & Mediumship Readings

Find closure and peace to reclaim your life with a psychic medium reading today. Psychic Lilly is certified as a Spirit Medium by the JVP (James Van Praagh) School of Mystical Art and is an authentic psychic medium who has the ability to speak to those that have passed over including talking with departed pets in Spirit. She is a direct mediumistic channel that can offer you messages from deceased loved ones or provide you with a deceased pet reading, and encourages clients to ask questions of their Angels in return, and experience an open channel of conversation.

Angels And Mediumship - Angel Communication

Not trying to contact a loved one?

Meet your Angels. What do your Angels want you to know? Angel Readings are a fun and positive way to connect with the guidance, love, and support of your own angels. Angels are God’s gift to you and they are our invisible companions.

Lilly is a certified Advanced Angel Therapy Practitioner (AATP) and Angel Intuitive accredited by Doreen Virtue. She will communicate with your assigned Angels and Guides, often using automatic writing (also called psychography or channeled writing), to help you learn who your Angels are in this lifetime, what hey want you to know, and why.