Reiki for Hospice Care & End of Life
Reiki for hospice care focuses on caring, not curing. Reiki treatment for hospice care and terminally ill patients promotes the benefits of emotional comfort, peace, profound relaxation, decreased perception of pain, alleviating anxiety, and an improved sense of wellbeing when curative treatment is no longer an option.
It is an honor for me to share this spiritual journey and transition Home with anyone in need. I offer gentle, compassionate distance reiki treatment for people facing a life-limiting illness such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or Cancer.
Reiki treatment for hospice care and end of life always heals, even if it does not cure the physical body, it can help a patient to heal spiritually and emotionally (particularly relating to psychospiritual wellbeing) to ease open the pathway for their transition.
Reiki for the dying: Reiki treatments for the sick and dying
The end of our physical life is always difficult, because it means loss on a human and conscious level. Reiki for the sick and dying has been most appreciated by hospice patients and their caregivers for its ability to diminish pain, reduce anxiety, and support a sense of peace.
The dying process can be a troubling and confusing time for souls leaving our Earth plane. Some souls may be frightened or feel reluctant to cross over because of fear of the unknown. Others, may not want to transition because they do not want to leave their loved ones behind.
This difficult time can be greatly eased by Reiki. Reiki therapy for hospice and palliative care patients supports the whole person physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Reiki For Hospice Patients, Family and Caregivers
Reiki for hospice patients, their family, and caregivers provides a strong and natural complement to caring for everyone in transition. Whether it’s routine hospice care (RHC) for the terminally-ill patient, or inpatient respite care (IRC) provided to the primary caregiver of the patient, Reiki for the dying serves as a medium for lowering distress, increasing calm, and decreasing burnout all-around.
When a patient is diagnosed with a terminal illness, many people are affected from having to care for that person and dealing with the looming loss of their loved one. This makes it more important to have ‘Reiki at the end of life’ services given to those individuals as well, for for self-care during this difficult time. This healing includes EVERYONE connected to the dying individual.
Reiki therapy for hospice and palliative care patients
Reiki therapy for palliative care patients can be used as an adjunct therapy to conventional medical treatment with less reliance on pharmacological approaches. Remote Reiki therapy for hospice care patients is pleasant and relaxing and lends emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to each individual patient’s needs and wishes.