Shamanic Release of the Pain Body - Shamanic Removal of Emotional Pain

Shamanic Release of the Pain Body

This Shamanic release of the pain body healing will help empty out the old emotional debris you no longer need (removal of emotional pain) so that you can create room in your life for that which you desire. My Spirits and I work together to remove emotional pain, and the emotional causes of physical pain. This healing session will help heal emotions such as fear, anger,  guilt, rage, or shame.

Most people go to great lengths to avoid pain and activities or experiences associated with pain including letting go of rejection, painful life events, and negative emotions. From an evolutionary standpoint, this makes sense: pain is associated with injury and potential death, so the instinct to avoid pain is vital to the survival of a species. Why, then, do so many people engage in behaviors that cause pain?

Shamanic removal of emotional pain for deep emotional release

In my belief-system, I understand pain, disease, and disorder to come from three different “bodies:”

  • Spirit-body: The part of an organism that can be related to Soul, Anima/Animus, Divine, etc. It resonates at a high vibration and frequency, and can be thrown out of “alignment” with thoughts, emotions, lack of spirituality, curses, etc.  This is the part of the organism that extends outwards from the physical body the farthest, and I use singing to try and bring everything back into balance. This is where disease starts (and if not treated spiritually, it can manifest emotionally and physically).

  • Mental/Emotional-body: The part of the organism that is energetically powered by the mind and the heart. The human mind is especially powerful in causing physical disease through emotional states (similar to psychosomatic illnesses and causes). One of the most difficult symptoms of self-induced illness centers around Ruminating Thoughts, and our culture’s lack of ability to Let Things Go in order to fully relax. If emotions start to take over, without proper coping skills or “venting” skills, then it can very quickly manifest into physical disease (and some even believe cancer). Many Addictions begin with disease and disorder in this Emotional Body. Emotions become too painful, and are not evaluated/integrated, and so a substance is used to numb out the pain. Sometimes, food allergies, pregnancy issues, and memory problems begin in this Emotional Body, and manifest physically. This is the origin of BS – all the lies that we tell ourselves (and others) begin in this Body, because of difficult emotions.

  • Physical-body: The part of the organism most easily seen in regular, every day life. Numerous accidents, bumps, bruises, pains, diseases, etc. manifest in this Body but begin in other Bodies.

So where does your disease and discomfort manifest? Do you have a nagging pain and you don’t know where it came from? Having difficulty with turning off your worrying brain at night?

Shamanic Release of the Pain Body Session – 2 Hour Shamanic Release of the Pain Body Session (w/Photo)

All sessions delivered within 3-5 days including weekends.

Distance healings are extremely powerful as energy is not bound by time or space. It can be felt across the Universe at anytime, anywhere. To save you from further emotional pain and emotional triggers, my healing abilities are enhanced in a deep, meditative trance-like state. This why my energy healing sessions are *NOT* done by phone, or chat.

In my energy healing and transformative sessions, I utilize a variety of healing modalities including Shamanic Reiki, traditional Reiki, aura repair, chakra balancing, soul retrieval and recovery, karmic cleansing, and soul possession clearing.

Shamanic Release Of The Pain Body (2 hour remote healing)
