Tipping Point Therapy to change your direction
Tipping Point Therapy is all about facilitating CHANGE. Your soul is a compass. Change one coordinate in your spiritual compass and you change your entire life’s direction. Tipping Point therapy will help you learn which little changes can make a big difference in your life.
Your “Tipping Point” is the percentage of effort required of you to change your life direction or personal behavior. “Tipping points“ are the point at which a series of small life changes or incidents becomes significant enough to manifest a larger, more important change.
At the edge or ‘tipping point’ of important life changes or choices that you must make?
Little changes can make a big difference in your direction. The percentage of effort required to change your direction is usually much smaller than most of us assume and the notion of tipping points can be used to explain why change often happens quickly and unexpectedly.
To most outsiders, the world of bio energy efficiency probably appears static with slow, incremental changes. An Aura repair here, a chakra balance there, maybe an updated Mudra or Violet Flame energy code every few years.
But it should come as no surprise to Spiritual insiders that this isn’t the case at all. An explosion of new energy healing modalities across every part of our world is rapidly changing our energy healing goals and the ways we identify, capture and heal those energies that no longer serve our great good.
It is important to change when you KNOW that change is necessary in your life, or the Universe might just force a change upon you when you least expect it– and you may not care for it’s choices or–the results.
How long will the change take?
One of the most commonly asked questions in my Tipping Point Therapy healing work is how long will the change take? When will I be able to make that changes that I need? There is no simple answer to this question because a multitude of factors can influence the speed of change for each individual. But there are things I can do to speed up the process.
It starts with being clear about the kind of change needed in order for me to underpin your strategy. What values and behaviors do you need to display to reach your relationship or business goals? Clarity of what change is desired will help!
Once your tipping point is reached, an amazing phenomenon takes place, whereby you begin adopting a new way of being and doing at an accelerated pace.
When you have been working on shifting with your changes for a few months, sometimes, years, this is something wonderful to witness. The change is visible, you become more positive, and even the naysayers in our life are changing their tunes.