Violet Flame Healing Energy
Violet flame healing can enhance any relationship as well as assist you in manifesting your soulmate or twin soul (twin flame or twin ray soulmate). My Violet Flame Healings radiate powerful violet flame healing energies which dissolve lifetimes of unresolved negative, unwanted, energies and replaces them with love, compassion and light. This violet flame healing is able to transmute the negative energy of resentment, anger and blame because it has the vibration of mercy and forgiveness. A violet flame cleansing will upgrade your energy and transmute negative karma into ‘spiritual gold’ so that you can progress freely with your personal growth and spiritual healing journey.
This flame does not burn, it’s no ordinary fire, it is a spiritual fire of self-transformation that some people refer to as the “the violet flame”, “flame of transmutation”, “flame of mercy,” the “flame of freedom,” or the “flame of forgiveness”. The violet flame is a symbolic name that is given to the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. Spiritual energy can help us move through many obstacles on our path and heal a multitude of problems from physical and emotional issues, to relationship problems.
What is the Violet Flame?
The Violet Flame is the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit that brings peace of mind and healing to your being. These healing energies are invocative of your highest Good—that is to say, they invoke the goodness of God. It was the Ascended Master Saint Germain who requested permission to release this information to mankind in the Earth realm.
Once the mental matrix is absorbed by the violet flame healing, the heart center can be employed to magnify and release the charge of divine love, life, and light, which are always invoked by ascended master decrees.
The aura of Souls who are freely engaged in spiritual practices is predominantly violet. It’s a sacred fire that transforms and purifies negative “karma” or blockages.
The violet flame is a powerful symbol and form of imagery that can be used as a catalyst for our spiritual journeys. The reason for this is that it creates the space necessary for healing any soul blockages we carry, and it makes use of two important tools: the healing properties of color and sound.
The violet flame contains the qualities which help relationships the most – forgiveness (and self-forgiveness!), mercy, and kindness to name a few. And when you give the violet flame, it enters your heart and you begin to experience a breakthrough in understanding and a new compassion towards others.
And as you begin to send love, forgiveness, and compassion to others you receive these same energies back. So, what goes around really does come around and you can begin to attract what you are becoming!
Violet Flame and Twin Flames
Violet flame energy will help you call in and attract your twin flame by releasing stagnant energy from past relationships/past lives that no longer serves you.
How does the violet flame help you manifest your twin soul? You can use the violet flame healing energy to heal your twin soul relationship or manifest one. Violet flame energy can enhance any existing relationship or assist you in manifesting your companion soul mate or twin soul (twin flame or twin ray).
Violet flame twin flame energy can heal heartbreak and relationship pain/trauma and embody the high frequency vibrations of love, joy and forgiveness to manifest your highest timeline and truly start living your best life.
Distance Violet Flame Energy Healing
My Violet Flame Healings contain powerful violet flame healing energies which dissolve lifetimes of unresolved negative, unwanted, energies with love, compassion and light. Violet Flame energy is channeled through your chakras.
Violet flame healing energy is capable of purifying all the negative energies within, and surrounding you (trapped in your aura). The violet flame energy has the unique ability to transform hatred into love, anxiety into peace, and fear into courage and can dissolve lifetimes of unresolved energies with love and light.
Violet flame meditation is also an energy healing that can transform your personal energy levels and your life miraculously. After your sessions you will receive a follow up email the day after your Violet Flame Healing session with my personal crystal recommendations for you as well as a detailed Violet Flame mediation that you can do at home.