What are Clair Senses?
What are the Eight Clair Senses: Which psychic ability do you have?
We are all beings of light and energy with the ability to clearly sense the world around us. We have 8 different Clair senses, (psychic senses); Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, Clairalience, Clairangency, Clairempathy, and Clairgustance. Every Soul is born with natural intuitive ability. It isn’t a matter of whether you have psychic abilities or not – it’s a matter of how open you are to developing them.
What are the psychic clair senses? There are 8 clair senses (not just 4, 5 or 7) and they’re all present within you weather you are consciously aware of them or not! Many people associate clairvoyance (clear seeing) with psychics. Clairvoyance is just one of the 8 clair sense, or intuitive senses. Have you experienced any of the clair senses before? Do you have clairvoyant visions? Which of your psychic abilities is the strongest? Click on the images below to learn more about each!
Need Help Understanding The ‘Clairs’? Here is a beginner’s guide to the 8 clair senses (intuitive psychic senses):
Psychic Abilities and Clair Senses
Do any of these Clair senses resonate with you? Which feel familiar to you? Many folks lose touch with their clair senses and psychic abilities when they neglect to acknowledge them, consciously bury them for long periods of time, never utilize them at all, or feel shame surrounding them.
Religious beliefs and past life traumas, as well as any other energy blockages around the third eye and crown chakras can shift these psychic senses one way or another. Clearing out and healing these chakra energy centers quickly has a powerful effect on helping to develop your own unique psychic abilities.
The word CLAIR is a French word meaning CLEAR. Like radio waves, information is being broadcast all around us by way of energy. Learning how to tune in does require some practice but is something that we are all already naturally doing so we can develop these psychic abilities further if we choose.
Becoming fully aware of each of my clair senses (my full psychic sensory system) through my professional psychology and forensic work led me to psychic reading work and spiritual intuitive life coaching.
Your Dominant Clair Senses Reading
Identify and Develop your Clair Senses
Would you like help identifying your clair senses and in developing your clair senses? Whether you refer to it as a intuition, foresight, instinct, ‘visions’, or just a certain ‘knowing’ about events that haven’t yet taken place, everybody has these gifts in one form or another. Some stronger than others.
Are you listening to the signs and signals of your clair senses? I will teach you how to identify and develop your strongest clair sense in order to access your own powerful spiritual guidance which will help you create a mindful, meaningful, and magical life!
Like radio waves, spiritual information is constantly being broadcast around us, so it’s really just a matter of learning how to tune in to it. To interpret what Spirit is broadcasting, you’ll be using your eight clair senses just like you do in your everyday life. Some of your senses may be more reliable than others for making important life choices, decisions and judgments.
The eight clair senses are types of psychic abilities that correspond with the senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. When you tap into your own personal intuition and spirit energy, your mind and body become filled with clarity and mental impressions: thoughts, feelings, images, sounds, tastes and smells.
Still not sure what your dominant clair is? I will help you determine what your clairs are and better understand and sharpen your particular style of sensing. Believe it or not, we have access to all clairs and can strengthen them with practice and time. Once you are aware of the different ways your intuition and Spirit can speak to you, the possibilities on your life journey will be endless.
This reading will identify your personal dominant Clair senses in which you are innately attuned and need more development. It will also include detailed suggestions to help improve those senses!